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What is Coding?

Digital skills and effective communication within a global community is essential to help learners thrive in a future driven by technology. The introduction of coding through the Digital Skills Curriculum or Coding clubs will develop skills such as computational thinking, problem-solving, critical thinking, collaboration, creative design and effective communication.

Activity 1.1: Watch the video below for an introduction to the following questions.

  • What is code?

  • Where do we find code in daily life?

  • What can a person do with coding skills?



Activity 1.2: Watch the video and answer the questions

However, the purpose of coding in education ​goes beyond preparing programmers, engineers and web designers. Coding becomes the vehicle to learn other skills such as computational thinking, problem solving, and pattern analysis and design and many more.  As part of the Digital Skills Curriculum (Gr R - 9) and well as Coding Clubs, South African Education embarks on this journey of development through introducing among others, coding in Education. 


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Africa Code Week

Cape Town Science Center


2019 by Anita van Vuuren

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